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We Serve Victims of Florida Boating Accidents

Florida is a state well known for its recreational boating. With a high number of individuals engaging in boating, naturally accidents will occur. If the worst happens to you, and a boating accident leaves you in need of legal assistance, you have come to the right place. Michael Rebuck and his team are skilled and experienced personal injury attorneys, ready to represent you in your case.

Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. helping with a boating accident case in Treasure Coast, FL

Common Causes of Boating Accidents

Boat accidents in Florida can be caused by a variety of factors. Some common causes include:

  • Fuel explosions or fires
  • Reckless operation of a vehicle
  • Alcohol and/or drug use
  • Speeding
  • Inattention or lack of focus
  • Failure of boat equipment

Facts About Boating Accidents in Florida

Boating crashes tend to occur frequently in Florida, due to the prevalence of boating and a few other key factors. Here are some facts about boating accidents:

  • There is no age requirement for Florida boating. This policy leads to an increase in accidents as more inexperienced and young drivers are out on the water.
  • These accidents may sometimes be litigated in Federal Court. Make sure your lawyer is familiar with the policies surrounding public waterway accidents before you hire them for your case. Michael Rebuck is highly knowledgeable in all things boating accidents and has served the Treasure Coast, Florida community for decades.
  • Drugs and alcohol increase the risk of boating accident fatalities. When fatalities occur, drugs and alcohol were often used in cases of overboard drowning. These tragic events can shake an entire community. Michael Rebuck will help guide you through the entire process of your boating accident litigation.

Types of Boating Accident Cases We Handle

With over a million boats on the Florida water each year, a variety of accidents are bound to happen. Whether you are dealing with a collision, wrongful death, accidents caused by other conditions, or something else, we are here to provide you with professional and skilled legal assistance.

Common Injuries After a Boating Accident

No matter the severity of your boat accident, injuries may occur. Some common boat accident injuries can include back injuries, broken bones, scrapes, cuts, bruises, various pains in the body, concussion, and more.

What to Do After Being Involved in a Boating Accident

In the case that you are involved in a boating accident, it’s crucial to know and understand your legal responsibilities in the situation. Immediately after an accident, you will need to ensure that you stop your boat and remain at the scene, unless there is a threat to your safety. Provide aid to anyone who is injured or in need of rescue from the water. Take photos of the scene and exchange contact information with anyone else who witnessed the accident or may be on the scene. Make sure to report the accident to the authorities and reach out to Michael Rebuck for top notch legal advice and representation in order to ensure the best possible outcome after your accident.

Why Choose Michael Rebuck?

In order to increase your chances of getting the best possible outcome after an accident, you will want to make sure you hire the highest quality attorney to serve you in your case. Michael Rebuck P.A. and his legal team are here to help guide you through the entire process of dealing with your boating accident litigation. We offer compassionate and professional personal injury services.

Contact Us Today

Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation with our warm and professional team. If you are dealing with the distress caused by a boating accident, you have come to the right place. Our highly skilled and experienced legal team is ready to guide you through the entire process.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation