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Helping You Navigate Family Law

Family is among the most important aspects of our lives. However, problems sometimes arise that require the help of an experienced legal professional. As a well-respected Florida family lawyer, Michael is committed to going above and beyond for his clients. He works closely with each individual and tailors his services to their unique needs. Along with his team, he’ll come us with realistic goals and devise a course of action that keeps your best interests in mind. At the office of Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A., family matters.

Areas of Family Law We Handle

No matter how amicable your situation, family law can be very emotional and extremely complex. Thankfully, Treasure Coast residents can look to Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. for top-notch counsel and guidance through their legal difficulties. Michael and his team will review your family law case, evaluate your options, and advocate for your interests. Our specific practice areas include:

  • Divorce: Our experienced divorce lawyers handle both simple and complex divorces. We’ll help you work through child custody, distribution of assets, and the other nuts and bolts of divorce proceedings.
  • Alimony and Spousal Support: Alimony can be a tricky subject, but we’re here to help you better understand the process. In Florida, either spouse can request alimony or waive their right to request it.
  • Child Support: According to Florida law, judges are required to enforce child support. Our team will make sure you understand the factors that go into determining the amount of support paid by a parent.
  • Paternity: In some cases, paternity can be a sensitive subject. Our team will help you navigate establishing paternity, constructing a parenting plan and timesharing, and visitation rights.
  • Contempt/Enforcement: Not everyone is conscientious about abiding by a divorce or child custody agreement. We’ll help you enforce the terms of your contracts with uncooperative parties.
  • Adoption: Adoption can be a long and arduous process that can cause undue stress for parents-to-be. With our attorney as your guide, you can take on the adoption process effectively.
  • Modification/Temporary Relief: Situations change, and you may need to adapt your legal agreements over time. Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. will work with you to propose modifications.
  • Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is all too common. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, we’ll help you explore your legal options for getting out.
  • Separation or Annulment: Divorce isn’t necessary for everyone. If a separation agreement or annulment is a better option for you, we’ll be sure to consider those as well.
Family law services are provided by Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A., in Treasure Coast, FL

What Compensation Might I Be Eligible for?

Most commonly, compensation in a family law case comes in the form of a divorce settlement. One party to the divorce may receive spousal support or child support from the other. The amount of compensation one needs to pay depends on a variety of factors, including the current incomes of each parent and the number of children entitled to support. The team at Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. will listen to your circumstances and give you an idea of how much you can expect to pay (or receive) in support.

Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney

It can be tempting to keep family issues within the family. However, getting an family law attorney involved is often in everyone’s best interests. Family law is broad and complicated, and having an experienced professional on your side will make navigating those complexities less stressful. You can be sure that you’re choosing the best legal option for your needs when you work with Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A.

What Sets Us Apart

Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. has over 25 years of experience with Florida family law rules of procedure and an array of practice areas. Over the years, he’s gained the skills and resources to help you reach a desirable outcome. What’s more, Michael and his team are dedicated to offering honest, accessible, and reliable representation that makes the legal process as simple as possible. Dealing with family matters is hard enough—opt for a law firm that will decrease your stress, not build upon it.

Get in Touch With Us Today

Put our experience to work for you. Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A., and his team are glad to meet with you and explore your legal avenues. We offer free consultations for potential clients, so money is never a reason not to initiate a meeting. After consulting for the first time, we can begin to discuss legal solutions to your family law issues. Contact us today to set up your no-obligation appointment.

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