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Orders & Modifications of Parenting Plans

If you are seeking a dissolution of marriage and you have children together, you will need to work out a custody agreement and parenting plan. A parenting plan is an outline of how you and the other parent plan to divide up time spent with your child(ren). Even if you think you have reached a mutual agreement regarding custody issues, you still need to file a formal parenting plan with the court. For that reason, it’s important to hire a family law attorney who focuses on custody issues and parenting plans in Palm City, FL. Michael Todd Rebuck, PA has decades of experience in matters of family law and can file and request modifications of approved parenting plans in Florida. Call us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your parenting plans and divorce.

Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A., is helping a couple with a parenting plan in Treasure Coast, FL

Understanding Parenting Time and Parenting Plans

Under Florida law, when parents are divorced or separated, parenting time refers to the time the child spends in the care of the primary or secondary parent. Typically, when working out the details of your dissolution of marriage, you will also try to come to an agreement regarding parenting time and shared custody. It will be easier to reach an agreement when you have the assistance of an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure the child’s best interests are considered, your needs are met, and the process is as stress-free as possible. A parenting plan is required in all cases that involve time sharing with minor children, even if there is no dispute as to the details of the time sharing. The parenting time must be agreed to by all parties, and an approved parenting plan will be entered by the court.

Examples of Parenting Plans

Approved parenting plans in Florida must meet the Custody and Visitation Guidelines Committee of the Family Law Advisory Group. Your attorney will have resources that outline these guidelines and help you assess your parenting plan and ensure it meets the needs of your child(ren). At a minimum, the parenting plan must outline:

  • How the parties will share custody of the child(ren) and maintain responsibility for daily tasks associated with upbringing and care.
  • The time-sharing schedule, specifically the time that the minor child(ren) will spend with each parent.
  • Who will be responsible for health care, school matters, extracurricular activities and special interests, and transportation?
  • The methods and technologies with which the parents will communicate with the child(ren).
  • How time will be split into holidays, school breaks, birthdays, and other events that are important to either parent.
  • How conflicts will be resolved amicably and with the child’s best interests in mind.
  • How religious services or observances will be handled.
  • How parents will handle vacation and travel plans.
  • How they plan on communicating about or making temporary, minor adjustments to the parenting plan.
  • How parents will agree about decisions made with regard to the child(ren)’s physical appearance.
  • The introduction of significant others to the child(ren).

 Modifying a Parenting Plan in Florida

Like other elements of a divorce case, either party can request or petition the court for a modification of a parenting plan. If you or the other parent has a significant change in circumstances, you can file a petition for modification of the parenting plan. If parenting time is altered, you may also want to file a request for child support modification.

Protecting Parental Rights and Children’s Best Interests

Hiring an attorney who focuses on family law matters, divorce cases and parenting plans in Florida will protect your parental rights and your child(ren)’s best interests. Your attorney will work closely with you to evaluate your needs, goals, lifestyle, and your child(ren)’s needs, goals, and lifestyle. They will also work with the other parent or their attorney to reach an amicable agreement regarding parenting time, custody, and child support.

Shared Parental Responsibility & Parenting Plans in Divorce

Shared parental responsibility refers to the fact that under the law, both parents retain full parental rights and responsibilities of care for their child(ren) and should confer or agree on decisions affecting their welfare. This includes decisions related to medical, religious, and education issues. The court may order, or the parents may agree, that one parent has primary responsibility over certain aspects of the child’s welfare. These responsibilities can also be divided up in any other way that makes sense to the parents and is in the best interests of the child.

Choose Michael Todd Rebuck, PA for Approved Parenting Plans

Michael Rebuck has decades of experience in family law. He and his team are committed to helping their clients navigate the complexities of divorce, custody, child support, and parenting time issues. He routinely goes above and beyond for his clients and is a trusted provider of legal services in the Treasure Coast area. In addition to parenting plans, we also focus on divorce, alimony and spousal support, child support, paternity, contempt/enforcement, adoption, domestic violence, separations, annulments, and modification/temporary relief of legal agreements.

 Schedule a Consultation With Our Divorce Attorney

Call us today or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our divorce attorney in Palm City, FL. Michael Todd Rebuck, PA can handle all matters of family law and has decades of experience in drafting, filing, and requesting modifications of parenting plans in divorce cases or custody issues. Michael and his team work to ensure that the needs of the child(ren) are met and that the parties can come to a consensus regarding care.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation