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About Michael Rebuck

Michael Rebuck is an experienced personal injury attorney serving the legal needs of residents throughout the Treasure Coast, FL region for nearly three decades. With a law degree from St. Thomas University and a bachelor’s degree from Florida State University, Michael has devoted his professional career to preserving clients’ legal rights and enriching the lives of those in the communities he serves. Michael and his legal team bring several decades of combined litigation knowledge and experience in a wide range of personal injury cases. If you have suffered injuries due to an accident or negligence, we will fight for your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Meet Michael Todd Rebuck, a professional lawyer who handles family law cases in Treasure Coast, FL

Legal Support in Personal Injury Cases

Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A., is a compassionate law firm. The lawyer and staff are trained to provide professional legal guidance and support when representing personal injury cases. We focus on simplifying the process so you and your family can focus on your physical and emotional recovery. Our mission is to deliver a swift and assertive response to address your injuries, eliminate the stressful hurdles you may face, and reach a settlement in your favor. We commit every effort to recover the maximum amount of compensation as efficiently as possible so you can move on with your life. We handle many types of personal injury cases, including but not limited to:

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Don’t let the stress of a personal injury case overwhelm you. Our legal team at Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. is committed to navigating you through every step of the legal process and will work boldly to ensure those responsible for your injuries are held accountable in Treasure Coast, FL. If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t delay – get the caring, attentive legal service you need to represent your best interests and effectively resolve your case. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with our law firm.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation